Never Forget Accident | CJ

Never Forget Accident

Never Forget Accident

Hi all,

They usually say forget the accident. But, if we forget it, we also forget the life lesson for us. The accident, its pain, the comfort and love that came with it, the advice, the help, the cooperation will all be an opportunity to forget. The mercy of all the human beings involved will be wasted.

In this world of love and compassion, what is the chance to feel it, and what if it is missed? Only if I realize it can I return to this community.

Later on 22th July 2016, I met a accident, with my bike. On that case, it is my fault. I skidded off the road and crashed into a truck, avoiding colliding with two women who were coming my way.

Just recall from FB post.

Me: Doctor, there will be a live on August 20th. Can you untie and train before that?

Doctor: (Laughs) That's not possible, even if it's the President of the United States for four weeks, wait until August 24. Right?


But that live, has been confirmed. To my left is “Live Caricature on Event” at Wedding Reception, Tiruchirappalli.

#LiveCaricature #Caricature #Sugumarje #Caricaturelives #accident #loveandcompassion