December 2013 | CJ for You

December 2013


Most of BMTC Buses has fantastic Air suspension, so it goes like as a BMW

I like the Majestic Bus Stand... Looks like Semi Circle type...

first day I entered in bus stand, the board says 19 Platform... I look next It says 19a and 19b Etc. I asked to one Back Bag neat guy, "Where is platform 20th number?" He replied "I dont Sir" We can meet these kind of guys in all cities :)

 I found the 20th Platform on that way next to 19d...

If you are a Patient, need to drink tonic? So you know every time you need to jerk your Tonic Bottle... I give you a good idea.

Drink your tonic first, without bottle jerk or go within tonic bottle on BMTC bus... Yes the BMTC bus helps.

On that my 3 Days on Bangalore i have not see beggars on the Road side, bus-stand and buses. Some of disabled persons asked some of money on
our crossing!

Dr. Rajkumar get most of places on Ad boards including people hearts... One hotel made flourish flower decoration on Dr. Rajkumar's Photo!

Opposite of the Bangalore city railway junction, best self service food shop is avail. It's name is Nandhini.
Cheap and best in taste!
Chappatti 2 Peices - Rs. 30
Poori 3 Peices - Rs. 30
Southindian Rice Food - Rs. 45
Iddaly 2 - Rs 20
Sampar Iddali 1 - 10

Most of Wine shops are looks good... lovely designed shop. all kinds of youths open their beer tin on platform... me? just cross them, thats all!

Buses are Equally part by 1st part for women, 2nd for Men

I heard lot of FM radios on original kannada language...  not like a Namma ooru taminglish!

Metro Rails are ongoing project in Bangaloru. It is called by "Namma Metro" in Chennai we calling "Chennai Metro"

Sometimes Kannada sounds like a Malayalam... Omthu, aythu, ompathu (1, 5, 9)

Most of Kannada letters are curved...

Finally I got a book for Kannada Bahsa within 30 Days :D

to be Continued...



On the way of Bangalore I covered my head and ears tightly, it prevent from neck jerk by the climate changes at Bangalore. I reached on early 5 am.

I love this climate but not think it will be stimulate my body temperature on next day.

On the way of rest home, I need coffee. Every sales man or woman easily speak tamil, malayalam, hindi and english... kannada is their mother language.

After relaxed, the time says it is nine. Available one hour to reach BIEC. On Google map show this place needs 45 minutes from the Majestic. I think on my walk along to Majestic, how I reach by bus? Auto? Taxi?
 And I have lot of questions... how i can find that place? how much fair? Any Auto is best, it has meter or not... on main road many autos and drivers on the road side stand.

I meet one and asked fair for BIEC on well unqualified English. He replied... sir, hindi, malayalam or tamilu?  I said Tamil.  He replied, 450 ruba agum saar.  I shocked.

I got train ticket with berth by 250 only. Can we return Trichy and come till Salem re-once.

No. No. Can we use meter?

Meter pottu jasti vantha sariya saar? Illana oru 30 ruba kammiyagum.

Oh. Nan enga Ofs la kettuttu vanthu auto pesikiren. dialed to my friend he is bangalorian Said, "no problem, get the bill from him and get allowance... "

I  drop this idea...

Just I move out from auto stand.
I found some local government bus service man selling the one day journey tickets. I buy one... yes Rs. 60 only. And I asked to him, which bus goes to Tumkur, I need to go at Madavara stop?

He replies "go for bus number 256 use this pass.

I smiled and thanks to him... wow. I have 390 out of 450 auto fair.

But the Bus, BMTC takes 1.20 hours to reach the Madavara stop... I miss the inauguration on the event at that time. my lucky, no one ready to wait for Caricature on that time. after 15 minutes i am ready and sit on the chair with Glass round table for LIVE CARICATURE...

So Are you ready to get Live Caricature?